Backyard Patio, Fire Pit & Grill

Client Stories

Backyard Patio Firepit Grill Island 2 Background: After recently completing a sunroom addition, these clients desired a patio complete with a firepit and grill island.
Backyard Patio Firepit Grill Island 3Challenge: Several doors exiting the home to the proposed patio space were elevated and along different walls, and our design team was tasked with producing a contiguous, easy-to-access patio space. Additionally, a drainage swale ran through the center of the backyard, potentially limiting patio space.

Backyard Patio Firepit Grill Island 4Solution: Multiple levels of patio space were designed, including a raised patio flush with the master bedroom floor. The walls of this raised patio serve dual purpose, retaining on one side and as seating walls on the other. A curved bar and grill island compliments the circular shape of the lower patio and firepit, and branches of the canopy tree above serve to hold downlights for illumination.

The natural stone materials chosen for this backyard patio, fire pit & grill could not be a more perfect match for the residence, complimenting all of the tones found in the masonry brick and siding. These natural materials will remain a timeless statement for many years to come.

"There is no challenge too big or too small for our team."
- Tentinger Landscapes

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